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Homeless Management Information System

Point In Time Training

The Point in Time Count course is for any agencies that operate the following project types (Emergency Shelter, Transitional Housing, and Safe Haven (project type, not agency)) are requested to participate and update their ShelterPoint lists to reflect clients checked in for that night.

This course will cover the history of the PIT count in Chicago and the reason it's completed every year. The course will also go over in detail how to check in a single client and/or a family onto your unit list. Last PIT and pre-PIT results will be discussed and how to clean up Shelter Point data such as mismatched group IDs.

Date: 12/15/2019

  • Point In Time Count Introduction
  • Preparing for the Point in Time Count
  • Using the CoC APR to fix errors
  • Introduction and Preparation Guidelines
  • Enrollment (Entry/Exit) Review
  • ShelterPoint Review
  • Course Feedback Survey
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Introduction to Homeless Management Info...